Dallas Maternity Midwife

6 Experienced Dallas Midwives to Hire

Childbirth scares most moms. Dallas Midwives can ease the anxiety of labor.

Why would you want Dallas midwives to help you through labor versus a traditional hospital and OBGYN office? Easy, it’s all about your comfort level and feeling a bond with someone who has done this a million times.

Midwives are trained health professionals that specifically study the art of childbirth. They provide prenatal care, birthing education, general pregnancy support and finally coaching through the process of labor. Most women that are able to see a midwife have no complications with their pregnancy. If there’s issues with gestational diabetes, concerns with low birth weight or any other potential issues should consult with their OBGYN before moving forward with midwives.

Personally, I had my two boys in a traditional hospital setting via C-section. Both of their pregnancies and births felt rushed and impersonal with my medical team. Don’t get me wrong, I was very well taken care of. My boys were both born healthy and I was stitched back together with no complications.

I would have much preferred a more personal touch though!

That’s why I’ve gathered this list of highly recommended Dallas midwives to help you through your pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum!

Six fantastic Dallas Midwives in the DFW area

BundleBorn Midwifery

Dr Teri Mitchell found her love of caring for others at an early age. She delved into her education to focus on midwifery and now has been in practice for many years. Her office is located in Frisco, but she provides home visits and practices home birthing for her clients in the DFW area. Dr Teri is a huge advocate for parental knowledge. She wants everyone to make an informed decision about the birthing process as well as post-birth.

Dr Teri primarily provides support for home births. Home births can be a great way to include the entire family in the laboring process, plus keep you comfy in your own space. As an experienced mother herself, Teri understands the importance of having significant others and older children included in the process.

Some services she provides are prenatal care, labor and birth, postpartum and newborn care, plus well visits for general female care. She even offers birthing pool rentals right through her website, making a water home birth super simple. Dr Teri takes great pride in caring for all women at every stage of their life. Many happy clients prove just that! Courtney Enlow Winn says, “We loved Teri for both of our home births!” Contact Dr. Teri on her website.

Modern Midwifery: Dallas Family Wellness

Adrienne and Meghan team up to create the partnership that centers care around mama and your family. Everything is geared toward listening to you while making a plan for health. This team focuses more on the traditional hospital setting but with the support and familiarity of midwife care. They offer services even with high risk pregnancies. There’s a great network of wellness experts that can be called on at any time to help Adrienne and Megan make the best decision for you and the baby.

One of the networked wellness experts is very close to the Modern Midwifery office. Ironically, Genesis PT and Wellness is immediately next door. Genesis specializes in pelvic floor therapy during postpartum to help women achieve correct bladder control among other things. Dr. Becky Allen is a physical therapist specializing in women’s health. She can help with a multitude of issues in a holistic way from pre-conception all the way through postpartum. Find Adrienne and Meghan on their website.

“Had the birth of my dreams!”

Your Dallas Midwife

Amy Tate has been supporting women through childbirth since 1990. She’s experienced in home births and will be opening an office in Dallas with midwife and chiropractic services in 2022. You could say that birthing babies is in Amy’s blood. Her mama was a midwife as well and a very active member of La Leche League. Amy learned from the best!

Amy’s reviews are out of this world. Seems like every mother that has worked with her gushes about the experience. Krista Cos says, “Had the birth of my dreams!!” It’s awesome to see moms taking control of their labor and delivery experience. Amy is just the person to help guide you through yours! Check out her website and contact her today.

Grapevine Birthing Center

A full team of four midwives led by Kim Daly run the Grapevine Birthing Center. Their holistic approach helps women through home births and water births. Opened in 2014, the Grapevine Birthing Center has helped hundreds of women in the DFW area achieve their childbirth goals! Their team guides moms through pregnancy, labor and postpartum. Their goal is to give a relaxing experience through everything and guide moms through their own body’s process.

All of the midwives are highly qualified and have been through birth themselves. As a mom, I appreciate when professionals have been through exactly what they are guiding their clients through. Being able to relate to moms is key! Go see more of what they’re about on their website.

Origins Birth and Wellness Collective Dallas

With two locations based in Fort Worth and Dallas, Origins Birth services a majority of the DFW area. Gina Thomson and Kaitlyn Wages started the first office in 2013 after many years of experience. They quickly expanded and opened several more offices across Fort Worth and Dallas to service more women and families. Now they run a full staff to support preconception, prenatal, birth and postpartum clients.

Their experience and understanding of the birthing process truly sets this team apart. Gina and Kaitlyn’s outlook on birth puts the control in a mother’s hands. With only a 4% C-section rate, most of their families are able to proceed with a natural birth at home. If you like the sound of those odds, contact them through their website.

“My only regret is not using her the birth of our first child.”

Danielle Hogan: Holistic Midwifery Care

Danielle has always had an interest in birthing babies, attending her first birth when she was only sixteen. After having five of her own children, she became a licensed midwife in 2014. She takes the time to get to know not only you and your new baby, but your family too. Danielle’s calling in life has always been bringing new babies into the world.

Her practice is incredibly personalized. Her clients absolutely adore her. Christina Edland Gumm delivered two of her children in Danielle’s care and said, “My only regret is not using her the birth of our first child.” Take it from Christina, go through an experienced midwife like Danielle to guide you through a holistic delivery! Find more about Danielle Hogan on her website.

Which one of these great Dallas midwives will you choose?

Quality, personalized care can change the outcome of a natural birth. If you’re wanting to try a natural birth, Dallas midwives are the way to go! They can coach you through the whole process and connect with your family too.

Many moms in the DFW area have had great experiences with midwives. I really wish that I had that option when I had my babies! Midwife care seems like the best, holistic approach to laboring.

Are you pregnant, need a midwife and also need Maternity Photos? Contact me today!

Until next time, may your day be happy and your coffee be strong!

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