Pregnancy Lifeline

Pregnancy Lifeline in Fort Worth | Helping Women with Their Options

Pregnancy Lifeline can help you through your pregnancy and get you in touch with the options you need!

If you’ve found out that you’re pregnant and you’re not really sure what the next steps are, reach out to Pregnancy Lifeline! They are a non-profit group that supports women through one of the biggest transitions in their lives. Going from a singular person to a mother can be overwhelming. Now you have to think of another person besides yourself at all times of the day and night. There’s no “time off” from being a mother. All that aside, becoming a mother is one of the most beautiful experiences in life. The only way I can describe it is like your heart is living outside your body. Bringing a child into the world changes you as a person forever!

Started in 1973, Pregnancy Lifeline has been helping families choose life for nearly 50 years. The non-profit organization continues through the financial support of individuals, other organizations and fundraising. They do not charge families for services provided. Services for families include counseling, pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and informative classes. All are free of charge and an incredible resource to any family experiencing an unplanned pregnancy.

newborn baby boy

I can certainly appreciate their pro-life stance. They blatantly state on their homepage that options include parenting, adoption and knowing the risks of abortion. Pregnancy Lifeline does not refer or recommend abortion, but they are non-judgemental and will support their families no matter what their decision is. So many organizations immediately push abortion with no other options in sight. It’s refreshing to see a non-profit really trying to help mothers and fathers make a good decision for their baby. Not only does the organization support families during the pregnancy, there is support well after baby is born to make sure the transition into parenthood is smooth.


First and foremost, Pregnancy Lifeline encourages the option of parenthood. Whether that’s as a single mother or parenting with a partner, this is the first and best option. Education classes help guide families through the big transition and set them up for understanding the life change they’re about to go through. Support and knowledge is key during this time to assist families in adding a new baby to their home.

Pregnancy Lifeline


Second is the option of adoption. There are three ways to complete an adoption: Closed, Open and Semi-Open. Closed adoption is where the birth parents do not meet the adoptive family and let the baby go to them without ever seeing the child again. Mama gives birth, spends the time in the hospital with baby for the colostrum, then gives rights over to the adoptive family. They will never meet during pregnancy, labor or after the baby is born. Open adoption allows the birth parents to meet the adoptive parents during the pregnancy. The adoptive parents may even be present during labor! Birth parents stay in communication with the child as they grow, receiving letters and pictures plus even scheduling visits. A Semi-Open adoption is a mix between the other two. Communication between the birth parents and adoptive parents is open, except all communication is vetted through the adoption agency.

Why would a woman decide to give her baby up for adoption? It’s actually one of the most selfless acts a mother can do for her child. Some women know that they are not in a good position to raise a child. Reasons may be financial, home life, age related or mental health. To be able to nurture and grow your own flesh and blood, give birth to them, meet them, then give them away knowing that they’ll have a better life than you could ever provide is incredible.

Risks of Abortion

I give so much credit to Pregnancy Lifeline for being open and honest about the detrimental effects of abortion. Most women just hear that abortion can fix their “problem”, but once the “problem” is gone, what are you left with? The tragedy of no longer carrying life inside of your body. The physical damage that the surgical instruments can wreak on your own body, not to mention on the tiny body of your baby. And even death. Yes, abortion guarantees the death of your child, but it can also kill the mother. There are major health risks to aborting your baby. Studies are now showing that if you abort your first pregnancy, the risk of you contracting breast cancer later in life is increased by 50% right off the bat.

When you mess with nature and bend it to your own convenience, there can be consequences. Talk with Pregnancy Lifeline. They can get you the help you need to get on your feet and work through this!

pregnant woman expecting a little girl

Pregnancy Lifeline helps mamas with the items needed for baby

Besides advice, the non-profit can help with getting basic baby necessities. They have a really cool program called the Baby Club. Mothers can earn Baby Bucks by attending educational classes, watching videos and reading books from the Lifeline library. Baby Bucks can be redeemed for baby items and maternity clothes in the Lifeline store. If mamas need additional assistance, Lifeline can also connect them with housing resources and more supplies for mom and baby, and assistance with children all the way up to twelve years of age.

Besides the material assistance, Pregnancy Lifeline offers pregnancy testing and couseling. It’s really important to get a professional pregnancy test, not just a home test, to confirm your pregnancy. Pregnancy symptoms can include: fatigue, missed period, breast tenderness or fullness, changes in appetite or nausea and vomiting. The tests that the non-profit provide are said to be 99% accurate, so the chances of getting a correct answer are incredibly high! Much better than the home testing. If you need counseling, Pregnancy Lifeline is there for you. They can provide accurate information so you can make your own informed decision. If you’ve had an abortion in the past and are experiencing challenges because of it, the counselors can help in your healing process.

Need to contact Pregnancy Lifeline?

Reach out to them today! You can visit them on their website, Facebook and Instagram. They will be more than happy to assist you in all of your needs.

While you’re on your journey, don’t forget to take the pictures! Check out the cool Maternity and Newborn photos you could have along the way. Let’s chat today about the awesome artistic vision you have!

Until next time, may your day be happy and your coffee be strong!

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