Sugar Invasion Kassi Moore

Sugar Invasion | Meet Kassi Moore

Looking for a cool lady that also bakes a mean cake? Meet Kassi.

Kassi is the brilliant brain behind Sugar Invasion, a home bakery based out of Fort Worth. She has the talent of dreaming up a treat then baking it to fruition. Just scroll through any of her social media and immediately be bombarded with tasty imagery of decorated sugar cookies, platters of dessert varieties, colorful cakes and creatively designed confections. She uses rock candy specifically in crazy creative ways that I have never seen before. And her cookies? They taste absolutely phenomenal.

She walked into my studio and I was instantly greeted by a vibrant, bubbly, excited personality that is Kassi! Her enthusiasm for her craft is evident in the first thirty seconds of talking with her. She’s obsessed with alien movies and is a horror flick fanatic, part of the reason behind her business name. Check out the little alien hiding in her logo!

Sugar Invasion Kassi Moore

I had the chance to ask Kassi some questions about Sugar Invasion.

What started your love for baking? What is your big “why”?

As a kid I always had a massive sweet tooth.  When I was old enough to operate the oven on my own, I would bake muffins and brownies every chance I got.  One day my grandmother gave me an old spiral book with numerous old recipes that had been passed down to her.  What really got me interested was most of the recipes did not list specific measurements or sometimes instructions, so it was like a puzzle.  This was the best kind of puzzle because when I figured it out, there was something tasty as the reward. 

While I do not have any fancy culinary background, in fact I have worked in the medical field for 18 years, I have always had a love for baking.  Baking is a creative outlet that allows me to let go of the world and all the stress surrounding it.  Food touches on multiple different senses so I truly believe a good bite of something delicious really brings people together.  There’s nothing better than the joy of having your favorite treat and being able to share those moments with others.  This is what I would like to accomplish through baking, to share a moment and make a memory with someone else. 

Where is Sugar Invasion located?  Do you have a storefront or do you deliver?

Sugar Invasion is located in Fort Worth with curbside pick-up as well as delivery options available.  We are a home-based bakery that operates under the Texas Cottage Food Laws.  Although we do not currently have a storefront, having a brick-and-mortar location in the future is a goal.  I take every order seriously and follow the Cottage Food rules and regulations to ensure safe and tasty products for my customers.

What types of products do you offer? Any specialties unique to you?

We offer a variety of cookies, cakes, cupcakes, mini loaf & bundt cakes, brownies, and more.  Everything we make is scratch made and evolved from old family recipes.  A few of our most popular items are Vanilla Cake, Fruity Pebble Cereal Treats, Chocolate Crunch & Cream Cookie, Lemon Mini Loaves, and Vanilla Sprinkle Sugar Cookies.  We are also working on some allergen friendly options and currently have a few Gluten Free dessert options available.   

Who is your inspiration?

Even though I never met her, my Great Grandmother would be my inspiration for baking.  When I was given her handwritten recipe cards I felt as though I needed to pick up where she left off.  Her Oatmeal cookie recipe was such a rustic drop cookie, and one of my family’s favorites.  I really enjoyed taking her classic recipes and finding ways to build on them to develop deeper flavors, adding textures, and even just recreating that “taste of home” experience.

How much planning goes into each order?  What is the process like?

Every order is special, no matter how big or small.  There is a lot of planning that goes into each and every order.  I always make it a priority to communicate throughout the waiting period for each order to ensure our clients are getting what they want.  All orders take strategic planning, usually over several weeks or more, to ensure quality production of baked treats.  During the ordering process I tend to ask a lot of questions to establish a rapport with clients, also to gain a full understanding on what they are looking for.  

I do think there is always room for improvement, no matter how established the business/bakery.  Therefore, I am always trying to find new ways to improve our products by not only the flavor profiles but also by building skill level, refining presentation, and customer service with every single order.  Thus, feedback on our products and service is very important to us as well.  In the end all of our treats are made with care, “grandmas” love, and originality. 

What is your favorite dessert and why?

Now this is a tough question.  Often, I think my taste changes with how I am feeling, but I will always come back for anything with chocolate no matter the mood.  One of my go-to treats is a classic Red Velvet Cake with Oreos.  This is made with my Great Grandmother’s Red Velvet recipe, chopped Oreos, mini chocolate chips, a chocolate Oreo cookie filling, then coated in an old-fashioned inspired cream cheese frosting.           

Do you have children?  What are their favorite desserts & why?

I have not been given the gift of children just yet in this life, but you never know what the future has planned.  My husband, though, is not a sweets lover like me, crazy I know.  I will say anytime I make a batch of lemon loaf cake he tends to stalk the kitchen whenever they come out of the oven.  I have to keep a close eye out or one will surely disappear.    

Kassi is incredibly passionate about Sugar Invasion!

I loved reading through her answers to the interview questions. She’s such a family oriented, motivated business owner. You should reach out to her, place an order and support her business!

Find her and Sugar Invasion on Facebook and Instagram or shoot her an email at

If you have a child with a birthday coming up, Kassi is your girl for the birthday cake, cupcakes and cookies! Check out my work too and schedule your child’s Cake Smash Session. What’s that? Well, you make a pretty cake (like one of Kassi’s!) and let your baby SMASH it while I photograph the whole mess develop. It’s an amazing time!

Until next time, may your day be happy and your coffee be strong!

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