Dallas doula Hannah Davis

Interview with Dallas Doula Hannah Davis

I had the great pleasure of getting to know Dallas Doula Hannah Davis and her family this year!

Hannah and I happened to connect over social media. She posted in a mom group asking about restaurants to take her family to on Thanksgiving. Come to find out, she and her family just moved from Oregon. They’re living out of a hotel until they can buy a house in the Dallas area.

Since we just relocated our family ourselves, I kinda knew how she felt! Going from hotel to hotel, lugging the stuff and kids and mess everywhere, not having a permanent place to stay is a really difficult thing to go through. We invited her, her husband Lane, their four young children and their puppy to eat with us on Thanksgiving! It was really nice to spend time with a family that has gone through similar experiences. Plus they have children around the same ages as ours! Makes for great playdates.

I discovered Hannah loves a good cup of coffee, is creative with crocheting, uses every opportunity to educate her children, laughs with her husband, is sweet as pie and happens to be a Dallas doula! She enjoys bonding with pregnant mothers to lend the support they need to literally push through one of the hardest obstacles a woman can face: childbirth.

Let’s hear more from Dallas doula Hannah herself!

Dallas doula Hannah Davis

Q: What drew you to being a doula? What made you know that helping other women through their pregnancy was your calling?

Back when I had my first son in 2016, I had no idea what a doula was, no idea there were options for women who needed more support during labor and delivery. I had my husband there with me which was great but he knew nothing about birth or how to support me through that. I thought nothing of it and just figured that’s how it had to be.

A few months later, I heard my brother talking about how they were going to hire a doula for his wife’s birth. I was intrigued and immediately did some research on what exactly a doula was. As soon as I got searching, I knew that’s what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be the support for other women that I wished I had. I wanted to change what support during birth and postpartum was like for not only the mother but the whole family as well.

Q: Where are you located? Do you have an office or do you exclusively travel?

My family and I just relocated to the Dallas/Fort Worth area from Oregon. I am so happy to be here and can’t wait to get settled. I don’t have an office but I travel to serve all of DFW! 

Q: How long have you been a doula? What kind of experience have you gained in this field?

I am fairly knew at this, I completed my training in 2019 when my third child turned one. It was put on hold for a bit when I had to help care for my mom as she was sick plus my husband was in a major accident, all while I was expecting our fourth baby! Since 2019, I have had the privilege of attending a few hospital births (when I was allowed in, COVID-19 made restrictions difficult) and assisting a couple postpartum mamas! This is my passion and I can’t wait to further my experience and meet more moms and families along the way.

Dallas newborn photography

Q: Do you practice solo as a Dallas doula or do you have a team?

I practice solo currently but always try to have a back up doula or two just incase! My dream and ultimate goal is to run my own agency one day, a ways down the road but one day!

Q: What is your philosophy on coaching support during labor?

I love hearing each individual’s plan and expectations for their birth. I strongly believe that you are in charge and everyone else is just there to assist YOU in achieving your goals. Of course some things you can’t predict, I strive to make it an experience you will remember fondly and feel empowered. Birth can be a very empowering experience and every woman deserves that. I will support any kind of birth: cesarean, medicated, un-medicated, and anything in between. I will help advocate for you and make sure you are given the opportunity to make informed decisions.

Q: Do you have children of your own? If so, what were their birth stories?

I have 4 children very close in age. The first three children’s births went very similarly; I went to 41 and 40 weeks. The doctor suggested I get induced so I did. I was In labor for 6 hrs, 3 hrs and 1.5 hours respectively. Each time I ended up getting an Intrathecal right before pushing, they all progressed very quickly. It was only my husband at each of those births.

By the time I was pregnant with my fourth, I knew a bit more than I did previously. I knew I had more choice and more options. That pregnancy happened during one of the hardest times of my life and I just wanted to have a good birthing experience since I knew it would also be my last. Instead of the OBGYN I had for the others, I decided to have a midwife this time. I also was going to have a doula for the first time.

The pregnancy was hard and long, but the birth was everything I had hoped. I did end up getting induced last minute but labor progressed quickly like it had in the past and my doula was incredible. She was so helpful and calm. My midwife was also amazing and there with me as much as she could be. I was able to avoid an Intrathecal this time and I think it’s because of the support I had. After my baby was laid on my chest, I was able to cut her umbilical cord myself and I am so glad I did! Shortly after, we were headed home and I was so blessed to have a doula friend that came to stay with us for a weekend to help postpartum. I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

Hannah exemplifies the exact kind of person you want to guide you through labor!

Dallas doula Hannah Davis

With her kind heart, zeal for learning, attention to detail and great sense of humor, she’ll be a fabulous addition to your birthing team! Connect with her today:

Hannah Davis – Sacred Empowerment Birthing Services



I hope you enjoyed reading about our local Dallas doula! Hannah is one of a kind, you don’t want to miss out working with her!

Until next time, may your day be happy and your coffee be strong.

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